Diet Coke. Like it or love it. I like it 'because I can'

In a world gone mad with political correctness, social media click bait articles about what not to eat or you will die, and the latest and greatest diet fads to get you beach body ready, I'm stuggling to keep up with what I should be and how I should live my life.

Well I'm not actually because I'm an adult who ignores this type of chatter online. I am, however, established in myself and experienced enough to know that not everything you read is true.

That being said, younger generations are bombarded with images, articles, protests, hero stories, underdog 'done well' stories, that frankly would take your mind and blow it into tiny pieces.

How does anyone know which way is up these days?

So along comes a brand, not known for it's health benefits, and it's simply stated 'we don't judge, life is short, decide for yourself.

This is what I believe the consumer insight is based on for the 'because I can' diet coke ads currently running. You can agree, like, dislike or comment. But I really don't care. I like them. I like the taste and a brand that just reminded me to do whatever is right for me, can't be a bad thing. Right? Wait what?


Honda's "Explore the other side" entertains

This is pretty genius. Honda Civic's "Explore the other side" You Tube piece switches story when the user holds down the letter R on the keyboard. It switches you between two films with the same scenes and the same character but very opposing storylines. This is what brands need to do to get me or anyone else to really watch their stuff. Be engaging, different and also original. Ads should be entertaining after all.

Barely Legal Pawn: What's this got to do with Audi?

Everything. If brands are going to jump on a trend, they have to become storytellers. We've all heard it before, but not all large organisations are willing to take that leap of faith. This little short film to promote the Emmy's shows the Breaking Bad boys getting back together to create something interesting. I now love Audi even more. Even though I drive a BMW. But I'm persuaded just that little bit extra to like them more. So maybe on my next purchase......
